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/ monthFor the price of a Soylent a month you join one of the most fulfilling communities in the world. Being a part of the Sethward club you get to connect with professional absurdists!
Get your name in the credits to all new weekly Video uploads!
Link to AD-FREE sketches
Sethward Suffrage - you get to vote on suggestions for future projects
Free or discounted tickets to live shows
- Discord access
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/ monthYou'll receive everything from the sweetheart level, plus:
- Access to roughcuts to sketches not yet published online
- Story updates on @sthwrd Instagram 'Close Friends' list exclusive to Patreon
- Behind the scenes pics and video of shoots and content creation exclusive to Patreon
- Live streams exclusive to Patreon and Youtube Memberships
- Discord access

/ monthYou'll receive everything from previous reward levels, plus:
One-time Sethward T-Shirt your choice, One-time personalized Sethward "Cameo" Shout Out Video, OR One-time 8x10 signed photograph of your choice. (International shipping rates may apply)
- Discord access

/ monthYou'll receive everything from Sweetheart and Supporter reward levels, plus:
- A 45 min consultation on a project of your choice (character work, video creation, direction, comedy, writing)
- Discord access

/ monthYou'll receive everything from Sweetheart and Supporter reward levels, plus:
- Name an animal you want me to be. I’ll make the costume and dedicate a performance to you. A digital copy of the performance in front of a live audience will be delivered to you. If you have been sanctified for 3 consecutive months your dedicated animal character will be written and produced into a video sketch dedicated to you.
- Discord access

/ monthYou'll receive everything from Sweetheart, Supporter and Sustainer reward levels, plus:
- Make me a sellout! I’ll write and produce your idea and I’ll upload your idea on my Youtube audience with your logo title card.
- Discord access
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